

Radcal is a premier provider of diagnostic X-ray measurements systems for quality assurance, manufacturing, service, and compliance applications. The company’s modular product line, comprising the broadest array of sensors, systems, displays and software, is designed to meet the client’s individual needs.
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X-Ray QA Meter
T3 AD Pro

The T3 Accu-Dose+ Pro with its Customizable Data capture profile page and its unique machine profiles make it the most cost-effective stand-alone instrument in Radcal’s T3 Series. Supporting Radcal’s gold-standard ion chambers and solid-state dose sensors, it is an excellent system for dose measurements in Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, CT, and Survey applications.
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X-Ray QA Meter
T3 RG Pro

The T3 Rapid-Gold+ Pro supports Radcal’s solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors, and current probes. The Rapid-Gold+ Touch is an excellent stand-alone solution for Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, and Dental diagnostic x-ray applications. Its ability to store machine-specific Profile files saves time by eliminating manual user settings and often only one exposure is needed. For example, when using the Mammo Combo Mode Profile, with a Single exposure kV, Time, dose, and dose rate are captured for each region. T3’s CBCT Profile allows for the capture of DAP, kV, and Dose with one exposure.
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X-Ray QA Meter
T3 AG Pro

The T3 Accu-Gold+ Pro is the most versatile stand-alone system in Radcal’s product line, supporting Radcal’s unparalleled line of gold standard ion chambers, solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors, and current probes. These systems use machine-specific profiles which saves time by eliminating manual user settings and often only one exposure is needed. For example, when using the Mammo Combo Mode Profile, with a Single exposure kV, Time, dose, and dose rate are captured for each region of interest. T3’s CBCT Profile allows for the capture of DAP, kV, and Dose with one exposure.
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Critical Care

Radiation QA Tool
Accu-Gold 3

The Accu-Gold 3 is a powerful tool for radiation quality assurance that can be used in a variety of settings, including medical facilities, research labs, and industrial environments. It is capable of making measurements in a wide range of radiation environments, including X-ray, gamma, and beta radiation.
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Medical Imaging

X-Ray QA Meter
T3 AD Pro

The T3 Accu-Dose+ Pro with its Customizable Data capture profile page and its unique machine profiles make it the most cost-effective stand-alone instrument in Radcal’s T3 Series. Supporting Radcal’s gold-standard ion chambers and solid-state dose sensors, it is an excellent system for dose measurements in Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, CT, and Survey applications.
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X-Ray QA Meter
T3 RG Pro

The T3 Rapid-Gold+ Pro supports Radcal’s solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors, and current probes. The Rapid-Gold+ Touch is an excellent stand-alone solution for Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, and Dental diagnostic x-ray applications. Its ability to store machine-specific Profile files saves time by eliminating manual user settings and often only one exposure is needed. For example, when using the Mammo Combo Mode Profile, with a Single exposure kV, Time, dose, and dose rate are captured for each region. T3’s CBCT Profile allows for the capture of DAP, kV, and Dose with one exposure.
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X-Ray QA Meter
T3 AG Pro

The T3 Accu-Gold+ Pro is the most versatile stand-alone system in Radcal’s product line, supporting Radcal’s unparalleled line of gold standard ion chambers, solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors, and current probes. These systems use machine-specific profiles which saves time by eliminating manual user settings and often only one exposure is needed. For example, when using the Mammo Combo Mode Profile, with a Single exposure kV, Time, dose, and dose rate are captured for each region of interest. T3’s CBCT Profile allows for the capture of DAP, kV, and Dose with one exposure.
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X-Ray QA Meter

The T3 Accu-Dose+ Pro with its Customizable Data capture profile page and its unique machine profiles make it the most cost-effective stand-alone instrument in Radcal’s T3 Series. Supporting Radcal’s gold-standard ion chambers and solid-state dose sensors, it is an excellent system for dose measurements in Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, CT, and Survey applications.
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X-Ray QA Meter

The T3 Rapid-Gold+ supports Radcal’s solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors, and current probes. The Rapid-Gold+ Touch is an excellent stand-alone solution for Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, and Dental diagnostic x-ray applications. Its ability to store machine-specific Profile files saves time by eliminating manual user settings and often only one exposure is needed. For example, when using the Mammo Combo Mode Profile, with a Single exposure kV, Time, dose, and dose rate are captured for each region. T3’s CBCT Profile allows for the capture of DAP, kV, and Dose with one exposure.
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X-Ray QA Meter

The T3 Accu-Gold+ with is the most versatile stand-alone system in Radcal’s product line, supporting Radcal’s unparalleled line of gold standard ion chambers, solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors, and current probes. These systems use machine-specific Profiles which saves time by eliminating manual user settings and often only one exposure is needed. For example, when using the Mammo Combo Mode Profile, with a Single exposure kV, Time, dose, and dose rate are captured for each region. T3’s CBCT Profile allows for the capture of DAP, kV and Dose with one exposure and frequently used profiles can be saved as favorites.
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Solid State Kv/Dose Multi-Sensor

The AGMS-DM+ is a solid-state kV/dose multi-sensor for diagnostic and mammographic range measurements and can be used for single exposure and fluoroscopy. It measures dose, dose rate, time, kVp with FFT analysis, HVL, and beam filtration, and also features correction of dose for beam quality.
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Radiation QA Tool
Accu-Gold 3

The Accu-Gold 3 is a powerful tool for radiation quality assurance that can be used in a variety of settings, including medical facilities, research labs, and industrial environments. It is capable of making measurements in a wide range of radiation environments, including X-ray, gamma, and beta radiation.
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Field Calibration Instrument
DAPcheck Plus

The DAPcheck Plus is a reference class instrument for “field calibration” of patient dose measurement and control systems, thus ensuring the validity of inter-institution patient dose comparisons. Utilizing the high-speed digitization of the Accu-Gold digitizer, the DAPcheck Plus displays DAP and DAP Rate of accumulated DAP on exposure completion.
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Multi-Parameter Sensor For Mammograph

The AGMS-M+ is a solid state kV/dose multi-parameter sensor for mammographic range measurements and features correction of dose for beam quality. It measures the dose, dose-rate, time, kVp with FFT analysis, HVL, and beam filtration.
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Radiation Measurement Device

The 10X6-60DAP ion chamber has been specifically designed for use in measuring dose area product (DAP) for dental applications (e.g. cone beam CT, pan-dental, etc.). The chamber’s capabilities can be extended to small field-of-view general DAP usage provided the chambers usage remains within its specifications. Included with the 10X6-60DAP is a mounting bracket to simplify chamber positioning and location, a package of museum putty for ease of mounting the bracket, and a sheet of Gafchromic film to easily visualize the X-ray beams position.
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Stand-Alone System
The Accu-Gold+ Touch

The Accu-Gold+ Touch with five-inch screen supports Radcal’s line of ion chambers, solid-state dose sensors, solid-state multi-sensors and current probes. These systems are an excellent solution for the full range of applications.
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Dose Measurement System
Accu-Dose+ Touch Pro

The Accu-Dose+ Touch Pro is an excellent system for dose measurements in radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography, CT, and survey applications. It combines wired and wireless computer interfaces to the Touch stand-alone system, which along with the Accu-Gold 2.0 Windows software provides a feature-rich and user-friendly environment for performing measurements.
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Diagnostic Instrument
Accu-Gold Touch

The Accu-Gold Touch instruments incorporate the largest touch screen in the industry to make diagnostic x-ray QA even faster and easier. The series also provides access to the full lineup of Accu-Gold sensors, the most extensive line of x-ray QA sensors available.
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Patient Dose Calibrator

The PDC measures DAP, DAP-rate, Dose and Dose rate of installed DAP systems, and solves problems relating to variation of DAP, Patient Dose system and AEC calibration. It allows a full check of installed DAP meter calibration over a range of field sizes, shapes and beam qualities.
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X-Ray Multisensor

The Accu-Gold+ uses stacked sensor technology, and is the smallest footprint solid-state sensor available. The sensor has been reduced to 1/3 of its original size with increased dose and dose rate ranges. The sensor is available in dual radiography, fluoroscopy, and mammography.
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Diagnostic System: Accu-Dose+

The Accu-Dose+ is Radcal’s stream-lined diagnostic solution supporting Radcal’s comprehensive line of Ion Chambers and Solid-state Dose Diodes.
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Diagnostic System-Rapid-Gold+

For Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, and Dental. Solutions for all your measurement needs.
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Diagnostic System: Accu-Gold+

For Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, CT, Dental and Survey. The Accu-Gold+ is a member of the Accu-Family Instruments.
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Invasive Sensor

The mAs sensor connects to the 4-pin DIN connector labeled mAs of the model 9095, 9096 (Accu-Pro) or 4086 (Accu-kV). The interconnecting cable is a standard S-Video cable.
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Dynalyzer IIIU System

USED WORLDWIDE FOR: *X-ray machine manufacturing *Troubleshooting *Annual Calibration *Installation *Acceptance Testing MEASURE: *kVp (anode, cathode, and anode + cathode) *mA and mAs Anode current *Filament current *Exposure time
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Patient Dose Calibrator

The PDC (Patient Dose Calibrator) is a DAP Meter calibrator which measures DAP, DAP-rate, Dose and Dose rate of installed DAP systems and solves much publicized problems relating to variation of DAP, Patient Dose system and AEC calibration and is ideally suited to aid the setting of reference doses on Fluoroscopy x-ray machines. The PDC method of calibration is significantly quicker than the traditional method, and allows a full check of the installed DAP meter calibration over a range of field sizes, shapes and beam qualities
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