ELMED Lithotripsy Systems

ELMED Lithotripsy Systems

ELMED is involved in manufacturing, servicing, developing and exporting of advanced medical equipment for the urology market since 1991. The company’s leading products include Extracorporeal and Intracorporeal Lithotripters for the fragmentation of urinary tract calculi. At its Ankara/Turkey factory ELMED has a dedicate ...

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Patient Record System
Dynamic Patient Record System – DPRS

Dynamic Patient Record System – DPRS - records detailed information on the location and size of stone, applied shock number and KV applied during each session of the treatment on patient record pages, in addition to the standard patient records. It is also possible to obtain graphical data during treatment that is very helpful for the doctor to decide the method of treatment for the next session and for the treatment of other patients.
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U-Arm Mobile Fluoroscopic Unit

Lithoscope is a U-arm mobile fluoroscopic unit with an X-ray source which is commonly used together with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripters to visualize urinary system stones. The movements of the U-arm which allows the operator to localize the stones in three axis, is controlled by powerful electric motors. Lithoscope can be used effectively in other urological and endoscopic operations such as cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, catheterization and percutaneous nefrolithotomy under fluoroscopy.
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Endoscopy Robot
Avicenna Roboflex

The Avicenna Roboflex is an endoscopy robot for retrograde intrarenal laser lithotripsy with flexible ureteronoscope that remotely controls all the functions of any flexible ureteroscope such as rotation, deflection, insertion and retraction. It provides protection for the endoscope and precision for stone treatment, and prevents surgeon fatigue while manipulating the ureteroscope in a sitting position, outside the radiation field.
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Home Care

ESWT - Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy - Systems

Vibrolith Ortho is a pneumatic & electro – kinetic, unfocused extracorporeal and therapy (ESWT) device. It works under the principle of collision of a bullet, accelerated by the compressed air on an applicator. That applicator transmits the effect of stroke to the treatment point. The electro –kinetic energy applied on the tissue by the applicator on the hand piece. Vibrolith Ortho are designed for the high efficiency of artificial treatment applications. It works under radial shock wave principle. There are two main parts in bone tissue; soft and hard tissue. Soft tissue applications; Calcified tendonitis, Radial/ulnar humeral Epicondylitis, Achillodynia, Plantar fasciitis due to calcification or not, patellar tendinopathy, or all cases related to tendinopaty. Hard tissue and bone tissue applications; reactive periostosis, bone fracture periostosis, coxarthrosis, root arthrosis, sudeck syndrome, pseudarthrosis, treatment of bone fractures and osteoporosis. Vibrolith Ortho has an LCD display and it can be easily controlled by the buttons. These controls are on the touch screen for “Touch” model. Vibrolith Ortho is very effective and powerful extracorporeal shock wave therapy device and very economical with low installation and maintenance cost The device has been produced in accordance with the European Safety Standards. So that, any electrical hazard on either operator or patient is prevented by means of electrical isolation of whole system. Both hand piece and foot pedal are operated by air pressure.
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Patient Care

Exrracorporeal Shock Wave System (ESWL)

MULTIMED Classic is an Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) system for the treatment of urinary tract calculi. MULTIMED Classic is equipped with a specially designed motorized urological table with radiolucent top, which enables to make all endourological operations under fluoroscopy. All kind of urinary stones can be treated by using either U-Arm Fluoroscopy and/or computerized automatic ultrasonic localization robot arm; LITHOARM. The Hi-Tech ultrasonic localization system with computerized articulated robotic arm provides automatically localization of urinary stones including the low density and non-opaque stones. MULTIMED Classic includes dynamic patient recording and statistical reporting software which enables the user to keep all necessary data of the patient during the course of the treatment. MULTIMED Classic ESWL System provides cost effective and anesthesia free ambulatory treatment with excellent fragmentation.
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Patient Record System
Dynamic Patient Record System – DPRS

Dynamic Patient Record System – DPRS - records detailed information on the location and size of stone, applied shock number and KV applied during each session of the treatment on patient record pages, in addition to the standard patient records. It is also possible to obtain graphical data during treatment that is very helpful for the doctor to decide the method of treatment for the next session and for the treatment of other patients.
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U-Arm Mobile Fluoroscopic Unit

Lithoscope is a U-arm mobile fluoroscopic unit with an X-ray source which is commonly used together with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripters to visualize urinary system stones. The movements of the U-arm which allows the operator to localize the stones in three axis, is controlled by powerful electric motors. Lithoscope can be used effectively in other urological and endoscopic operations such as cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, catheterization and percutaneous nefrolithotomy under fluoroscopy.
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Endoscopy Robot
Avicenna Roboflex

The Avicenna Roboflex is an endoscopy robot for retrograde intrarenal laser lithotripsy with flexible ureteronoscope that remotely controls all the functions of any flexible ureteroscope such as rotation, deflection, insertion and retraction. It provides protection for the endoscope and precision for stone treatment, and prevents surgeon fatigue while manipulating the ureteroscope in a sitting position, outside the radiation field.
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Lithotripsy System
Multimed EM

The Multimed EM is an electro-magnetic lithotripsy system for treating stones in the kidney, entire urethra, bladder and elsewhere in an efficient, safe, anesthesia-free and cost-effective manner. The fully-computerized system shortens treatment time and allows for out-patient treatment, while reducing installation and maintenance costs.
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Extracorporeal Shock Wave System (ESWL)

Complit ESWL system, equipped with the movable iso-centric shock wave head which enables user to change the angle of the shock wave head without changing the focal point. This allows the user to choose ideal shock wave coupling angle, in order to increase the affectivity of the treatment. With this special feature, Complit provides flexibility for users and comfortable treatment for patients for different treatments. Without changing the patients position from flat to prone on the table, the shock wave head can be placed under table position for Ultrasound localization and above table position for urethral stones. Complit, as an additional and first ever feature on the world, possesses a built-in dynamic patient recording and statistical reporting software for the recording necessary data during treatment and patient records. The same unique software also enables user to control and operate Complit simultaneously. ue to its compact and computerized structure, Complit is ready for you to localize precisely the stone by using its specially designed U-arm fluoroscopy unit, Lithoscope or standard C-arm unit and the computerized automatic ultrasonic localization robot arm, Lithoarm. This is a new feature for the lithotripsy units and a prerequisite for being a new generation equipment. To meet the changing and increasing requirements of the users and for the comfort of the patient, Complit presents the complete solution to the lithotripsy.
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Intracorporeal Pneumatic and Ultrasonic Combined Lithotripter

VIBROLITH Plus is new generation Ultrasonic PLUS Pneumatic Lithotripter. It combines two different lithotripsy methods; Ultrasonic and Pneumatic in a single device and enables the user to operate these two methods simultaneously be using advantages of both methods. The operator can combine the ultrasonic and pneumatic hand pieces by means of its specially designed coupling apparatus for three different operating modes; pneumatic, pneumatic plus ultrasonic and ultrasonic, respectively. The operator does not need to take out whole combined hand pieces from inside endoscopes and check the working lengths of probes and adjust them according to desired working mode. The integrated adjustable peristaltic pump of VIBROLITH Plus enables easier suction of the stone particles with flow control according to requirements of the application, which leads clear visualization of the endoscope during the operation. The stone fragments in the specially designed stone collector can be used optionally for further investigations.
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Intracorporeal Pneumatic Lithotripter

VIBROLITH is a electro-pneumatic lithotripter. It works under the principle of collision of a bullet, accelerated by a compressed air with a steel probe. This probe transmits the impact energy to calculi. By this electro-pneumatic ballistic energy only the calculi is disintegrated, there is no effect on tissue. Since only compressed air pulses is the source of the impact effect, no heat is exposed. Therefore, there is neither risk of any thermal injury on tissue nor destruction on optics of endoscopy. There is no electrically driven operation except the control box. So that, any electrical hazard on either operator or patient prevented by means of electrical isolation of whole system. Both hand piece and foot pedal are operated by air pressure. VIBROLITH guarantees user satisfaction in application to all kind of renal, ureteral and bladder stones. With VIBROLITH, treatment is of short duration with a high success rate regardless of the composition and the location of the calculi. The electro-pneumatic energy by direct contact with the probes provides maximum efficiency for the disintegration of calculi. VIBROLITH is highly effective for the Staghorn stones, renal pelvic and calix stones in the use of PNL. VIBROLITH provides an easier treatment of stones in entire uretery with URS. No matter the size of the calculi, VIBROLITH achieves quick and powerful endoscopic treatment for bladder stones. VIBROLITH has a “simple to use” nature. The operator can easily select the pulse mode as single or continuous, by simply pressing the touch-key panel. The total number of pulses applied can be monitored on a digital counter. Operation pressure can be adjusted easily and independently of the pressure supply, by turning the knob of the regulator on the control box. VIBROLITH is compatible to work with a central air supply or separate air compressor. With its original carrying case, it is simple to carry and ready to use by the operator in any desired place. A cart for the applications with a separate air compressor can be ordered optionally. VIBROLITH provides a wide range of probes for different kinds of applications and compatible to work with different kinds of ureteroscopes and cystoscopes. VIBROLITH, with its simple and smart nature, requires low-almost no-maintenance in the future. Due to reusable and sterilizable steel probes and no consumable requirement, a very low operation cost is appeared.
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