BMC Medical Co., Ltd.

BMC Medical Co., Ltd.

Company Profile BMC Medical Co., Ltd. is the leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of products and service for the diagnosis and therapy of sleep-disordered breathing in China. Professional R&D Since 1996, launched the first polysomnograph (PSG) in China, BMC has continuously introduced innovative sleep diagnosti ...

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CPAP System
RESmart BPAP 20T/25T30T

The RESmart BPAP 20T/25T30T is a customized solution for obstructive sleep apnea and respiratory disease, and delivers therapy pressure as well as maintains synchrony. Its unique sensitivity setting ensures user-device synchrony and maximizes user compliance.
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Nasal Mask

The iVolve nasal mask for CPAP/BPAP is designed for easy fitting. Its lightweight design and compact profile offer a more personalized fit, seal, and comfort. The adaptive headgear clips are easy to attach and detach, and can accommodate different face sizes easily.
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Sleep Screener

The SleepView is designed for screening of sleep-disordered breathing. The unit records oral/nasal airflow, snoring, SpO2, pulse rate, and CPAP pressure and generates a report for clinicians to use in further clinical investigation.
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Critical Care

CPAP System
RESmart BPAP 20T/25T30T

The RESmart BPAP 20T/25T30T is a customized solution for obstructive sleep apnea and respiratory disease, and delivers therapy pressure as well as maintains synchrony. Its unique sensitivity setting ensures user-device synchrony and maximizes user compliance.
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Nasal Mask

The iVolve nasal mask for CPAP/BPAP is designed for easy fitting. Its lightweight design and compact profile offer a more personalized fit, seal, and comfort. The adaptive headgear clips are easy to attach and detach, and can accommodate different face sizes easily.
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Sleep Screener

The SleepView is designed for screening of sleep-disordered breathing. The unit records oral/nasal airflow, snoring, SpO2, pulse rate, and CPAP pressure and generates a report for clinicians to use in further clinical investigation.
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Sleep Screener

SleepView® Sleep Screener SleepView device is indicated for the screening of sleep disordered breathing. It records the following data: patient respiratory oral and nasal airflow, snoring, blood oxygen saturation, pulse and CPAP pressure. The device uses these recordings to generate a report for screening or for further clinical investigation.
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Polymate® YH-1000C Polygraph Polymate® YH-1000 is a brand new intelligent diagnosis system, suitable for clinic study and screening of Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS).
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Home Care

Face Mask

Face Mask with CE Certificates for CPAP devices for Sleep Apnea
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Nasal Pillows Mask

FeaLite® Nasal Pillows System Less Weight, More Comfort FeaLite® is much lighter than general nasal masks. It is quieter and offers minimal contact to the face, providing a more comfortable experience and making therapy easy to accept.
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Nasal Mask

iVolve® Nasal Mask Personalized Fit, More Comfort iVolve® is an innovative nasal mask, adopts unique 3*2 gears adjustable forehead frame, offers more personalized fit, seal and comfort. The original adaptive headgear clips are easy to attach and detach, and can adapt to different people’s faces, maintain the most comfortable headgear position.
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RESmart® BPAP Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure With RESlex® (Expiration Pressure Release) RESmart® BPAP Series offers the ultimate in sleep therapy comfort. It combines auto adjusting pressure delivery with the breath-by-breath pressure relief of RESlex® for most natural sleep therapy. It also can provide non-invasive ventilation for patients with respiratory insufficiency in the hospital or home.
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RESmart® BPAP Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure With RESlex® (Expiration Pressure Release) RESmart® BPAP Series offers the ultimate in sleep therapy comfort. It combines auto adjusting pressure delivery with the breath-by-breath pressure relief of RESlexTM for most natural sleep therapy. It also can provide non-invasive ventilation for patients with respiratory insufficiency in the hospital or home.
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RESmart® BPAP Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure With RESlex® (Expiration Pressure Release) RESmart® BPAP Series offers the ultimate in sleep therapy comfort. It combines auto adjusting pressure delivery with the breath-by-breath pressure relief of RESlexTM for most natural sleep therapy. It also can provide non-invasive ventilation for patients with respiratory insufficiency in the hospital or home.
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RESmart® BPAP Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure With RESlex (Expiration Pressure Release) RESmart® BPAP Series offers the ultimate in sleep therapy comfort. It combines auto adjusting pressure delivery with the breath-by-breath pressure relief of RESlexTM for most natural sleep therapy. It also can provide non-invasive ventilation for patients with respiratory insufficiency in the hospital or home.
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RESmart® Auto Automatic Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) With RESlex® (Expiration Pressure Release) RESmart® Auto (APAP) adopts advanced sensor technology, automatically tracking patients' respiratory condition. The intelligent control system provides patients the reliable therapy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
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RESmart® Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) RESmart® CPAP is a brand new intelligent CPAP, suitable for home and clinic therapy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Its powerful intelligent control improves acclimation of traditional CPAP, providing patients more safety and comfort.
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